First Aid: Bloodborne Pathogens

OSHA's 29 CFR 1910.1030 mandates employers to protect workers at risk of occupational exposure to blood or infectious materials.

Bloodborne pathogens, infectious microorganisms in human blood, encompass hepatitis B (HBV), hepatitis C (HCV), and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), among others. To mitigate risks, employers must enact an exposure control plan outlining protective measures for employees.

Key Learning Objectives

This course aims to educate workers on proper procedures in potential bloodborne pathogen incidents. Participants will learn:

    • Administering first aid to an injured colleague • Adhering to correct Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) protocols • Preventing further exposure to bloodborne pathogens • Safely handling blood cleanup procedures • Understanding the consequences of improper actions Ideal for employees and supervisors in high-risk environments, where potential exposure to bloodborne pathogens may occur.
  • BloodBorn Pathogens VR Safety Training
    The primary goal of this course is to teach workers the correct procedures to follow in a potential bloodborne pathogen event. The Bloodborne Pathogen VR simulation is ideal for future employees or supervisors who will work in hazardous environments where a potential bloodborne pathogen event may occur.