Mining Truck Personal Simulator

  • Mining Truck Personal Simulator

Simlog’s Mining Truck Personal Simulator puts students at the controls of a modern, sophisticated heavy-hauler with life-life driving dynamics in interaction with a built-in Electric Rope Shovel. The virtual mine site features challenging driving scenarios, various slippery driving conditions, and interactive dumping and loading zones.

Training efficiency is delivered through a modular Instructional Design that teaches real skills for productive and safe equipment operations in the field.

  • Mining Truck Operator Simulator Trainer
    Item Number:
    Modern mining equipment is increasingly complex, costly, and difficult to operate productively. As a result, proper operator training has become everyone's business. The fact is, it takes training to spot a truck and position it for loading under a full bucket. It also takes training to back up a truck just using mirrors under that bucket. Otherwise, your mining operations will suffer from lower productivity, higher fuel costs, increased tire wear, and more equipment maintenance and repair.